
Posted by The Dave 5:04 PM 0 comments  

It's Been A Long Time

Well, I know that it has been forever. But, I thought I would bring the ol' blog back to life since I can't consistently use facebook. Anyway, here we go. I will attempt to wrap like two years (two huge weeks) into one slightly long package.

So, the trip up, I decided to take the long way and went 40 miles and 1 hour out of my way. Needless to say I had to go slightly over the speed limit in order to make it to college on time...no mom I didn't go too fast...with the Lord's help I made it on time.

I got there and went through like 18 million (more like two) hours of orientation stuff. It was boring, but I had my cousin to annoy so it wasn't too bad. Then moving into the dorms is always a challenge, I wasn't real excited when I found out that I had a top bunk (but now I don't think it is toooooo bad, although I still would prefer a bottom one) and no desk. I didn't care that much about the top bunk, but the desk was a big deal to me. Where am I going to put all of my stuff?!?! Well, thankfully, there was an empty desk, I just hadn't seen it. So, I got all of my stuff unpacked and into the desk.

Wow, college is so different. I am my own man, no parents getting on my to do stuff, and really the teachers don't get on you. I was really encouraged when Maranatha started laying down the rules, they didn't take to it as, "This is how it should be." It was "this is how it needs to be so we can be a unified body in Christ." That was amazing and something I didn't expect. Also, I love the laid back atmosphere. It is awesome as compared to what I saw at Bob Jones.

So, I am now all moved in and having an awesome time. I firmly believe that I have the best room mates in all of Maranatha (something that I have prayed thoroughly about). I love dorm life, all the guys to hang out with a talk to. Just a minute ago I had more guys in my dorm, than all of last years senior high. Really. It was amazing. As I continue on through these first weeks, I get the feeling that this is where the Lord wants me. I feel at ease, knowing that I no God's will for this step.

I start at Taco Bell next week, and I am dreading it/excited about it. I really don't want to have to work at all, but I need to work, so here we go. I don't look forward to having to learn a new system all over again. But, what can you do. I think that Taco Bell is going to be awesome because the people all seem halfway civilized. Well, you can't really tell that right away. But, I can always hope. Well, that is all for now. Probably tomorrow, I am going to put up some pictures of my dorm and room, and then tell you what I did tonight with some pictures.

Posted by The Dave 1:20 AM 0 comments  

Chapter 2: The Hospital

He dreamed. His dream twisted and turned this way and that in dizziness. Someone walking up screeching, a dark ambulance, the white hospital. His dream was weird, it seemed to be mixed up, nothing seemed right.


Slowly Jeremy awoke out of dream world. The only sound that he could make out was the faint blip...blip...blip of a heart monitor.
I must be in a hosptal, he thought.
Slowly his senses returned to him.
I still can't see, he noticed. They must have something over my eyes.
He pulled his hands up to his eyes to see how the doctors had wrapped them. But, to his astonishment, there was nothing covering them. He blinked. He checked to make sure his eyes were open accidentally jamming his eye with he finger.
What happened to me?
"Nurse," he bellowed. No one came for ten minutes...twenty minutes...an hour.
Finally, after what seemed like a millenia, the door clicked.
"Hello," Jeremy called.
A gruff, rugged voice returned, "Hello."
"Who are you, and why can't I see!" he almost screamed.
"Well, the first question I can answer quite easily, the second one is quite a bit more complicated," the voice answered. "I am Dr. Stevenson. Now, the second question."
He paused, Jeremy could here the doctors ragged breathing. It was not comforting.
"You vision," he began, "is lost."
"What do you mean lost?" Jeremy exclaimed.
"Lost as in, is no more. You were riding your bike, and had a stroke," the doctor stated.
"What, I am only twenty-six. There is no way that I could have had a stroke," he said.
"Well, tell that to you body. You had a stroke, no doubt about it. Thankful, you brain didn't suffer any damage. Unfortunately, you eyes weren't so lucky."
Jeremy's would began to spin. After that he retained almost nothing that the doctor said.
I can't see!

Posted by The Dave 11:01 PM 0 comments  

Chapter 1: No Regrets

The humming of his bicycle was the only sound Jeremy heard as he rode through the trees looming overhead in brilliant shades of red and pink. It was a balmy autumn day and he loved taking rides in the afternoons. It helped him clear his mind, remind him of what his plans were, and focus on what needed to be done. Sure, he was only the head manager of a local McDonalds, but it was a job not to be taken lightly. He didn't intend to stay at McDonalds forever, just until he got his college finished whenever that would be.

The occasional ruffling of leaves occupied his bicycle clatter while he thought about his past. No regrets. That seemed to sum up his life. He had no regrets, nothing that he wished to change. Not many people could say that, but he said it with pride. Sure, he came out of many bad relationships tarnished, but that only made who he was today, and he was proud of the man he was today. He had done certain things, that if he were caught, could land him in the slammer; but, he hadn't been caught, and that was all that mattered to him.

He was drifting slowly up to his house when he noticed that something wasn't right, he had a buzzing in his ears, and he suddenly felt dizzy. He stumbled off his bike before he crashed and caught himself on the ground. His entire body began to throb in white-hot pain. It felt as though someone had flicked a switch that released thousand of bees around his body stinging every one of his nerves. His breath became labored and he slowed faded from consciousness into a black hole.

Posted by The Dave 12:11 AM 0 comments  

Why do you fight?

I came across this question while reading Eldest: the second book of Eragon. It got me thinking about my own personal life. Why do I fight against the flesh? Why do I race in this Christian race when I hate running? Then came the answer. Love.. One word can explain it all. Just as love for a boy, or a wife can drive a man to give up everything he owns in order to get the person back, love drives everyone of us. Why do people commit suicide? Because they don't feel loved. If only I could share my emotions with people right before they plunge to their deaths maybe then they would know love. Love of Christ, the love of the savior. In Ted Dekker's book, Black, he calls the love of the "creator" the great romance. So many Christians today are lead off the correct path when they are told they should do something "because it is the right thing to do." This isn't it at all. We should more directly state why we do something. We do it because we are in love with Christ, and this is what he would be pleased in. We don't want to do something because it would make our lover displeased. When someone says Christian, I almost want to say, yes, we are Christians, but we are more than that, we are lovers of Christ, we are in a romantic relationship with Christ. Did not Christ tell us that he will come to take up his bride?

Posted by The Dave 10:48 PM 0 comments  

Valedictorian Speech

For all y'all who didn't come to my graduation here is my speech, just in case you cared.
One day in Ms. Rooks's class, my class began building sentences. We took small sentences, sentences that little children would write, and turned them into monoliths. We would start off with something like, “The dog was brown,” and turn it into “The chocolate Lab, a mangy-looking character, limped down Elm St., a dark, dank alley.” It was fun and fulfilling, but looking back, I realize that this concept can be applied to life. God gives us this little, empty shell called talent. Talent can be described as, “the natural ability of a person to do something.” We must then develop this talent into something bigger, something better, something enjoyable.
ICA has been key in the development of our spiritual talent. Learning how to enter Christ's kingdom was probably the pinnacle of my education at ICA. I remember the day when, after weeks of squeezing my heart, the Holy Spirit finally came into me. It all happened in Mr. Newton's office. It was a week when I had gotten four marks, a feat earning an express pass to Mr. Newton's office, where I finally asked the question that had been nagging on my heart “How do you get saved?” Mr. Newton then took me through the plan of salvation, and I became of member of Christ's family. Afterwards I felt an inexplicable joy, a joy that only true members of Christ have ever felt, a foretaste of joy we will one day have in heaven. But, after my salvation, ICA did not let me go into the world and destroy myself. It helped cultivate my relationship with Christ, showing me how to become better, helping me learn. ICA, through wonderful teachers like Mr. Evans, Mr. Hefner, and Mr. Rebert, has given us the knowledge of how to lead others to Christ and how to live the Christian life the right way. Also, my parents continually guided and directed me throughout my life, making sure that I would not go astray.
Not only is ICA instrumental in the growth of spiritual talents, but it also cultivates our musical talents. Because of ICA's great musical program, we have been given the opportunity to minister to many people. Without this program I probably would not have learned to love good godly music. I thank Mr. Ascher immensely for his direction throughout our lives. But, he isn't the only one who had a part in developing our musical talents. There have been others who had a part as well. People like Mrs. Boley, Mrs. Ascher, Mrs. Newton, and Mrs. DeSai have all been part of our musical lives.
ICA has allowed us to be with other godly Christians. We have found at ICA many friends who have helped us along our paths, who have given us a hand in times of need. They have allowed us to know what good Christian fellowship is.
ICA has cultivated our academic talents. Teachers like Ms. Rooks, Ms. DuBois, Mrs. Luttrull, and Mrs. Bower have given us great education in language and literature. Mr. Moody, Mr. Hughes, Mrs. Carlson, and Mr. Newton have all taught us math and science at one point, and many other teachers pitch in to make our little shells of talent become great. ICA has done much more than teach us what is in the books. It has built up talents that will allow us to thrive in our later lives after high school.
Finally, I challenge the ICA student body to become involved in everything they can. I may have been busy at ICA, but all the extracurricular activities will help me at college and beyond. I also challenge you not to get comfortable in your Christianity. The world is quickly digressing. With every year it keeps on getting worse. I pray that you will learn how to fight the good fight of faith in order to defeat the evil that is quickly becoming more and more real. May the Lord bless you as you use your talents to serve him and live to his honor and glory.

Posted by The Dave 9:24 PM 0 comments  

The Boy

The boy lay sprawled on the soft, white carpet, tears streaming down his soft, rosy cheeks. His chest heaved up and down with soft sobs. Memories came crashing through his mind, memories of his father. How he longed to be with his father.

How I long to be with my Father, my heavenly Father. Some may picture me as constantly depressed when I write on my blog, always saying that I can't wait to die. But, I am not depressed, I am merely a pilgrim on this filthy earth. A boy trying to be with his Dada.

Why would I spend my life longing
for the day that it would end?
Why would I spend my time pointing
to another man?
Isn't that crazy?
How can I find hope in dying
with promises unseen?
How can I learn you way is better
in everything I am not to be?
Isn't that crazy?
I have not been called
to the religion of this world
but to a God
who is calling out to me.
And even though the world may think
I am losing touch with reality
It would be crazy
to choose this world over eternity.

I think the poem pretty much sums up what I think. Even though it may seem ridiculous I can't wait to die.

Posted by The Dave 9:40 PM 0 comments  

The Storm

The sea was a treacherous place. Storms would come out of nowhere and crush a ship into pieces. But, these men where seasoned veterans. They could handle anything- at least they thought they could handle anything. This storm was huge, and more destructive than anything they had seen, let alone been in. It came on them like a blanket on a dog, smothering then before they even knew it. For a while, none of them realized what to do. They were holding on for dear life. Then one of them finally went below deck to get there master. He was sleeping! "He could he sleep in a time like this," John thought. He shook his master awake, and blurted out. "What! You are sleeping down here while we are about to die!" His master just looked up at him. The eyes. His master's eyes penetrated through John's skull and caused more pain than any bullet ever could. He got up, and not seeming to mind the bucking of the ship, walked up onto the deck. The wind screamed, and the rain pierced, yet John's master didn't seem to mind. Then he said three words. He didn't scream them, he spoke them in almost a whisper. "Peace be still, the master said. He condemned the sea, and the sea immediately froze. The water which was once walls ready to slam into the ship, were now flat on the sea floor. The sun beamed. The birds chirped. "What kind of man is this who can condemn the sea," John thought. Then Jesus said softly, in love, "Why are you so afraid? Don't you have faith?" The disciples began to cry, to sob. The words spoken softly seemed to pummel them. It didn't hurt their physical bodies, it hurt their hearts. How could they have doubted? Hadn't they seen the miracles Christ had done? Had they no faith at all?

Have we not seen what Christ has done? Have we not been affected in one way or another by our master, Christ? How can we doubt? When our ship is thrown into a storm, what can possibly happen to us that God isn't over? "Why are you so afraid of change David? Don't you have any faith?" Christ says. I am getting ready the biggest change in my entire life. So, I have moved once (to a house 5 miles away), and grown up, but that is nothing like moving into a dorm with 3 other guys in a college 8 hours away from home, and an unknown amount of years from my real home, heaven. God, I pray that you would give me the strength to withstand the change, and thrive because of it.

Posted by The Dave 9:49 PM 1 comments  

The Hole

There once was a hole in the middle of a path, a path which was built by the village to reach the other city. The village had the path completed all the way up to the hole. But, they couldn't fix the hole. You see, it was a gaping whole. Something that couldn't be built around. It had to be fixed. They used the only thing they had: water. At first, they tried a little trickle. But, it all just sank in the ground. Next they tried gobs and gobs of water, water on top of water. It filled the hole, but then eventually dissolved into the ground. So, they decided they would fix the problem by enhancing the water, with science. They tried different types of water, they tried putting minerals into the water. But, try as they might, nothing could fill that hole.

Our soul is built with this hole. Something gaping that keeps us from reaching the other city, Happiness. Yes, we want desperately to conquer this city. We try everything. But, nothing worked. The water is things of this earth: love, marriage, children, wealth, all things that bring temporary happiness. But, in the end, leave of gasping for something more. That something, is God. Yes, when God made us, he made us with this hole. The only thing that can fill it, is Him. We can try everything to fill this hole, but without God, nothing works. The wisest man on earth once said, "Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher,
vanity of vanities! All is vanity.
3What does man gain by all the toil
at which he toils under the sun?
4A generation goes, and a generation comes,
but the earth remains forever.
5The sun rises, and the sun goes down,
and hastens to the place where it rises.
6The wind blows to the south
and goes around to the north;
around and around goes the wind,
and on its circuits the wind returns. " --Ecclesiastes 1:2-6 (ESV)

He pointed out that life is meaningless...without Christ. (He goes on to point this out throughout the rest of the book) We have a hole, that gasps to be filled...with soil. God is the soil that fills our hole and leads us to happiness. Without God we aren't complete. Oh, we may look powerful, but we are weak.

Finally, the only way to God, is through Christ. We must accept Jesus Christ into our hearts, then and only then, can we find true happiness. When we finally get to the great rejoicing ground that is heaven. Then, we will finally be complete. No more water, only soil.

Posted by The Dave 12:32 AM 0 comments  

Forbidden Fruit

"It can't be that bad," Adam thought.
When God had created Adam his first and only stipulation was that Adam not eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. But, the tree looked so good and healthy, how could it be that bad? Then the news that it would make one wise! Adam couldn't stand it, his wife had taken it and she wasn't dead. So, he took it. You know the rest. Now the application.

The key missing factor is this: how vast were Adam's surroundings. How wonderful would it be to be in God's presence daily? How many millions of other trees were there, and yet, Adam had to eat the one forbidden tree.

There are certain things in my life that I am forbidden to do. Some things at school, that are limitations on what I can and can't do, and you know what? I complain about them. Now...let's zoom out. How many things can I do? Well, now instead of being able to list just a couple pet peeves of things I can't do, the options are limitless. How many years of my life can I spend on discovering new things, reading edifying books, exploring creation, and all sorts of other things I can do. I can walk, I can jump, I can see beautiful things that wouldn't be possible without God. So, why am I so stuck on things I can't do. I know why...two things: My flesh, My adversary (that is the devil). Satan and his minions would stop at nothing in order to get me to look at what I can't do. So, I must focus on what I can do, not what I can't.

So easy to type, yet so hard to practice. The Lord had rebuked me, may he rebuke you also.

Posted by The Dave 9:17 PM 1 comments